Replicating Success

Snipafist 91

A cred-taxing version of Replicating Perfection with the standard agenda suite, the main difference is a preponderance of bioroids and the use of Successful Demonstration, which is an extremely good economy card in this sort of setup.

Bioroids: Are extremely expensive to get through relative to their rez cost and set up very cheaply, which helps protect central servers in the early game, and your scoring and money remotes in the mid-to-late game. With RP, feeding them clicks is often impossible should the runner wish to run on remotes or make a successful run on a remote, so you need to pay the cred-tax on your way through each time. The main downside is if they're on the outside of central servers, you can bounce off an Eli (or spend a single click and bounce off a Markus), which leads us to...

Successful Demonstration: With all the ETR ice, people love bouncing off ice on centrals. Punish them for doing so with Successful Demonstration, which is effectively a Restructure with a much lower cred threshold but a necessary game-event cost. You will trigger unsuccessful runs a lot more often than you'd think:

-Runner bounces off of ETR ice

-Runner jacks out mid-run due to unexpected cost of continuing run/programs destroyed by Ichi/next ice is Excalibur and they'd rather not hit it because they want to run on a remote

-Run ended by Caprice

-Run ended by Nisei Mk2 counter

Typically getting your ice rezzed (especially in a big tower plus Caprice, or in the early game) can derail your finances, but not when you can get Successful Demonstration to fire. It's also fun against the occasional janky Au Revoir deck, as the runner is actively helping you to trigger Successful Demonstration.

Crick: Is amazing. Use it on Archives to dissuade runs (oh sure, I'll install a Jackson/Mental Health Clinic/Sundew/Caprice!). Use it on money remotes to increase the trash tax (as it's pointless to let the subroutine fire and install an economy asset in another server while spending creds to trash the one right in front of you). It effectively replaced Pup as a cheap tax ice (and the tax is much larger on Archives) and I haven't missed Pup since.