London Overmind - 2nd place - Sages Shoppe Summer GNK

steevo15 110

Sages Shoppe Summer GNK Lafayette, IN
7 players
3 Rounds of Swiss
I placed 2nd
Runner: 1 win 2 loss

The Deck
Even though it's kind of combo-ey this deck gets set up surprisingly quickly and is super fun to play. The basic premise is pretty much to click a program onto London Library (usually Overmind is your main breaker) run a server or two, then click the program back. This allows for free installs, easy re-targeting with Femme, power counters are inexhaustible, and Sage is neat (also bonkers with LLDS). In case you're wondering, Deep Red is there to buff Overmind, but I'm sure it can be replaced with something.

Pretty much play like an opportunist. You don't have a lot of clicks to run everywhere so make it count when you do. I usually go for remote lock or R&D lock.

This deck sucks at lots of tags, Replicating Perfection, and it's SUPER click intensive, however you can almost always get into any server that you want. Of the two games that I lost, one was a Dedicated Response Team-tagstorm-NEH dealio, and a Replicating Perfection with Batty and Caprice.