100 #@)%ING CARDS! Push it to da MaxX!

hcook 98

Cons: 100 Cards means that you're never going to find what you want.

Pros: 100 Cards means that you'll always have the right tool for the job... somewhere in the deck.

Justification: MaxX can pull this off because she has card draw and discards them so that she can tutor them with Deja Vu. Now normally you'd say "there is no synergy in putting a bunch of random cards in your deck", but instead of having synergy in this deck, we go the opposite way by playing opportunistically. For instance, Blackmail is here, yet the deck provides no way to give the corporation a bad publicity. But it's not uncommon for the corp to give themselves bad publicity either. Thedifference is that if you don't like the card, then just have faust eat it up. The key to building cards in here is if the card has a big reward at great restriction, then it belongs in this deck (ie Quest Completed).

Glaciers tend to fall harder against this deck than Fast Advance, and out of that, the worst thing that can happen to this deck is getting tagged and having your resources trashed. When it comes to getting tagged in this deck, you have to either predict that the opponent will play it (like a midseasons) and stock up on cash accordingly, or just don't play with resources. It's a very flexible deck. If you're new at the game, this is a good deck to use as a sampler. It may not be the best, but it'll show you a lot of what you can do.

Any critiques on the deck would be appreciated. It has been field tested quite a bit, and this is yet another revision.

5 Sep 2015 bourgman

I've been doing this since the Core Set with Wyldside. All those "situational" cards can find a home here.