Rich Big Girl

thopol 49

She was a little girl, now she's a big girl.

This is an awesome combo deck that gives you crazy powerful turns, loads of money, protection from threats, and good matchups against a lot of decks. Yeah, it's a combo deck, but don't stop reading. Let me explain and maybe I'll convince you to give it a shot.

I played this list a lot as CT. I didn't need the extra MU, but I figured the smaller deck size would be the most efficient for such a comboey deck. I tried the Hayley version, tried the CT version again, and I think that with this sort of list it's much better to run Hayley.

I was running 12 resources before. The 40 to 45 change was adding 2 Earthrise and 3 Daily Casts. Even running the deck with 12 resources, I saw so many opportunities to use Hayley's ability. CT's smaller deck size is negated by adding more draw.

Here's how to play the deck: You're going to have 3 passes through due to your two copies of Levy. You don't always need 3, but you need 2. The first pass is to set up the combo. That means Pancakes, Beach Party, Gene Conditioning Shoppe, and Starlight Crusade Funding. Of these, nothing really works without the Pancakes. You need to dig for the Pancakes. In the first phase of the game, you poke if the corp has left openings, but your main goal is to get Pancakes. You want to get Comet out too, but that is icing on the combo cake. With this deck you mulligan for Pancakes unless you have a couple of pieces and some draw. You ignore everything except the draw and the combo. You may fall behind. That's fine.

While assembling the combo, you will need to discard a lot. Nothing is safe except Pancakes and in a jam, second copies of combo pieces. In terms of breakers, discard them. The only exception is Faust. That is the breaker that keeps you viable in the early game while you're drawing a ton and not doing much. It is necessary to get that installed as quickly as possible without sacrificing setting up the combo.

(Another note on discarding: Discard Game Days to interact with your Power Naps. Don't sacrifice them willy nilly because you might need a Beach Party into Game Day to find that Pancakes after you're well into your deck, but that's a nice one to throw the first time through)

When the combo is set up you are doing turns that are like this: Install an Earthrise, Hayley into a Daily Casts. Game Day for 7 cards into a Power Nap for 8. Then two clicks left for whatever. This is not a dream turn. That happens all the time. You are insanely click efficient with this deck once you get set up.

This deck is very stable against a wide variety of opponents. You don't care how much money the corp has because, unless they're doing something very special, you are going to outrace them. Film Critic helps against butcher shop among other things. The big hand size also keeps you safe from meat damage and outright laughs at death by a thousand cuts. The breakers are efficient enough to make your wealth last through run after run on taxing servers.

The decks that are best against this are very fast rush decks. Faust helps give you a lot more power while you're setting up, and the huge amount of draw helps you set up faster, but if you're not seeing Pancakes and they're really rushing, you aren't looking good.

The scariest thing is getting tagged out of your breakfast, so I use New Angeles City Hall if I'm afraid of that (also combos well with Film Critic). If you are worried about being tagged, you need to be careful and deliberate until you get NACH down. If they kill pancakes after you're set up, you are going to lose. Fortunately, despite needing lots of cards down in certain matchups, you generally fly through your deck the first time through, so you can find the pieces you need.

Combo decks get slammed for being slow and vulnerable to disruption. This deck is faster than it looks, fairly durable, and insanely powerful when it's turned on. Play it if you don't believe me. Play it anyway, it's super fun.