Bad Company

Redlim 7

This is basically a slow Eater-Keyhole deck that aims for a stranglehold halfway into the game.

Faust offsets the main Eater weakness: upgrades on central servers.

Your full rig is Eater/Keyhole/Datasucker + Grimoire/Faust, one MU open for Crescentus/Parasite. Corroder is for Wraparound (Turing and Swordsman get parasited). It runs very cheaply with Bad Pub to fuel Eater and Wyldside to fuel Faust.

At the start of the game, your aim is to build... don't be too aggressive. Money and/or Wyldside are the most important to get early on. If you see the corp is low on cash, you can facecheck if you have Eater out to keep them low on cash (I prefer to build and not risk triggering netdamage/architect/click-loss etc). Don't be too afraid to facecheck remotes: rezzed ice can later be crescentused/parasited or broken with Faust when you Blackmail. An early Shard install is always nice.

Typically, ice will be spread rather thin on central servers if you don't pressure too much. Once you have your rig online start to Keyhole them into oblivion. If there is expensive Ice, crescentus it. If there's an upgrade, use Faust and trash it. Upgrades can be a pain, but you can work around them: Faust/Trash for Crisium etc, Vamp for Caprice etc. One nice side-effect of upgrades on RD is that they are not on HQ or on remote servers. This makes Vamp/Blackmail much easier to pull off. Vamp is a keycard, obviously, but is not used to go in full denial mode. The corp will always bounce back. I use it as a 4th/5th blackmail or to deal with upgrades.

Once you start Keyholing, always build money with Kati. Preferably use Eater to benefit from bad pub, Faust is there for remotes/Blackmail assistance. Of course, if you have 2 redundant cards use them to break with Faust. Don't be afraid to Levy early on when Blackmails/Vamps are used up. I like to run, break a lot with Faust, Levy and run again. When I have a Hades Shard, I sometimes ignore Jackson as he gives the Corp a false sense of security. Non-agenda cards to trash with Keyhole are mostly Ice and nasty Operations. As long as RD is not too heavily ICED up, you can get away with letting the Corp be rich and Iceless. Otherwise, trash econ and Vamp away.

Utopia Shard is there to further disrupt Corp plans should they have been able to hold on to some keycards. It can also liberate some agendas from a cluttered HQ when the threat of Blackmail is still there.

Although it might not seem like it, this deck is very flexible. If the corp does not react to Keyhole, the game can be over very quickly. If they do react by Icing/upgrading R&D, they are more open to Vamp or Faust-runs on remotes (assisted with Parasite/Sucker/Crescentus).

It is a lot of fun to play, you have to hold in your Anarch aggression until midway into the game and then you can go all-out.

Enjoy playing and/or criticizing it.

10 Sep 2015 sruman

Good looking deck, thanks for posting. I've found Street Peddler to be very valuable in Valencia to help find the pieces you want in a 50 card deck. My suggestion would be -1 adjusted, -1 queens gambit, -1 eater for 3 street peddler.