Adam: Compulsive Whistle Blower

JDC_Wolfpack 113

While trying to figure out how to offset the negatives of Adam's directives and best utilize his amazing console I came up with using the Snitch Au Revior combo. It provides an strong economy, saves you from nasty surprises when you're running on that first click, and it will be unsuccessful if you jack out so your safe from SEA Source. With the tight influence I found the fixed breaker suite to be the best option, but I've had an awful time dealing with Arch-Angel locally so I swapped Yog for Gordian. Special order gets you what you need, and Quality Time/Drug Dealer give you some mild draw power, but I also expect to use his directive for moderate draw power too. It's only been lightly tested so far, but seems to work well if you can set your rig up quick and snag 1-2 early agenda points.