Valencia joins Globalsec

AdamFitzgerald 1

I figured Globalsec Security Clearance plus Blackmail would be pretty legit. In the very early stages of testing. Never run R&D.

11 Nov 2015 AdamFitzgerald

Unless you blackmail it, of course.

11 Nov 2015 Vaelant

Considered the same combo with Deep Thought? Uses less influence and can use a virus build for Medium / Nerve Agent etc.

11 Nov 2015 AdamFitzgerald

I hadn't considered that, just because the idea is to sit back and snipe when you see an agenda. Deep Thought requires a few successful runs early on, plus a single purge would torn the whole thing off. Blackmail becomes a lot less threatening if some of the ice gets rezzed. But could be one for an alternative build?