Heroes of Rapture - The Actress

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Audio Logs of Mademoiselle Blanche de Glace, Rapture, circa 1958

“These Rapture men, they are the strongest, the brightest, yes, all of this, yet…they are just men. Oh, how strong they are, how intelligent, how sensitive, until they look into my eyes! And there, they see themselves as if for the first time. This, they never survive. How it hurts me to see what they find in my eyes.”

“The theaters, they have closed, and so I am alone. This life, without the stage, it has always been for me…drudgery. My isolation is my own doing, this I know, but I am made this way, a creature of detachment. But possibly, I can remake myself. With ADAM, maybe I can live like the others…in ignorance, yes, but no longer alone.”

“Today, I went outside! Outside into the halls of Rapture. And I found myself beside myself! Oh, how I love this war! The aromas! The sweet roasting of flesh, and the exquisite nasal burn of sulfur. The air ripe with the moans of defeat, the bellowings of victory! Such drama, and all so real! This, this is what the theater can never be, this is life!”