Plausible Deniability (Andy Gingerkit)

PoisonMushroom 54

Hopping on the Gingerbread bandwagon!

I made the decision to run the kit with Andy, as her large opening hand gives you the best shot of pulling both a GingerPan as soon as possible. From there, the deck evolved around trying to find an economy that played nice with Criminal without being too tied to any one fort.

That's where Qianju PT came in. Preventing one tag a turn, I realized, does more than just make Butchershop's job harder. It also makes Tri-maf Contact and Zona Sul Shipping much more reliable. They are, in essence, an economy that naturally evolved from the standard Supplier/Off-Campus/Drug Dealer draw engine. Film Critic was an obvious option, and from there, Logos and The Source came together pretty naturally, since Fall Guy was a shoo-in anyways. Decoy and Aesop's were also no-brainers.

For the uninitiated, the combo is simple. When you access an agenda, use Film Critic. When the Corp scores an agenda, save Source with a Fall Guy, and use your Logos to find another Fall Guy. Problem solved.

I'd have loved to fit in more than one Aesop or Source, but influence is tight when your breaker suite takes up 6. Thankfully, Logos can dig one out for you if the corp takes an early lead, or you already have your next Fall Guy ready.

Aside from Sure Gamble, all the events, plus Crescentus, serve the other half of the game plan: Make sure it is as expensive as possible for the corp to have four or more rezzed ICE on one server. Once they do, it's not necessarily a game over, a lot of good ICE are already tracers, and you've got Crescentus and Inside Jobs, but late game is your weakest point. Do your best to tax the corp and keep them clogged up.

A few quick tips that playtesting has shown:

-Multiaccess is very dangerous when you can only stop one tag a turn for free.

-If you have and used a Qianju PT, running on fourthclick is not the death sentence it usually is. Still not a habit you should get into, but it's a little safer than normal.

-Good luck finding influence room for Adjusted Chemotype, I tried for HOURS.

-With Logos, your maximum handsize is exactly enough to not die to two Tri-maf getting trashed. You know, just in case. (3 will kill you dead if they all get dipped together).

-You should have a sense pretty early on in the game if Decoy is better used as a defensive measure or for Account Siphon, but as a general rule, don't bother with Siphon against NBN or Butchershop.

-You only get one Running Interference because it will only work once. Save it for the right moment (ideally, one where you also get to Crescentus and/or Emergency some expensive IC.)