Titanama Papers (Open For Business)

Crauseon 95

This is a deck that I piloted to 2nd place in 12 player standard tournament in Joensuu, Finland, 24th Apr 2016 (I ran MaxX-Fury!1.1 to great success as well). I turned up with 12/16 prestige, with one runner defeat and one corp defeat.

Only loss was against a Plascreted Leela with Logos installed. I never remember that the console also gives an extra hand size, which brings the runner outside scorch+scorch+traffic combo. I burned through the Plascrete but couldn't find the scorches again after shuffling them in with a Jackson in time.

Thank you for the original author of this deck!

I was a bit lost about what to play in the tournament on the corp side, as I'd been tinkering MaxX-Fury non-stop for a while. With mostly casuals and fun games being played for a few months I never really gave my corping much thought. Titan always was interesting though, so I turned into net decking.

For most parts Titanama Papers just plays some cards I don't either have, or don't see a place in my play style, compared to Open For Business. Archived Memories turned into a Data Raven, I changed the agenda set a bit, and added a Junebug.

Junebug was excellent beyond belief, in a Faust environment, and a heavy rush mentality.

I somehow forgot to add Crisium Grid. The original has two, and one should definitely be here to battle Eater Keyhole and Account Siphon.

It's a much more fun a deck than the decklist would suggest. Great fun!

25 Apr 2016 Crauseon

My deck actually didn't have Mark Yale, so that's a mistake over there. He could be that wanted Crisium Grid though.

25 Apr 2016 Crauseon

There is a mistake in the deck list actually: I dropped Mark Yale in favor of a Snatch and Grab in the tournament edition. For a Crisium Grid, I could probably drop a single Restructure, or a single piece of ice.