Iain in a Dress?!? (11th @ Swansea Regional)

J-Flex 211

My take on the recent Andy Au Revoir + Turning Wheel deck that is all the rage at the mo. This is a mashup between Calimsha's list and the Madrid Regional winner's list, starting with more of the Madrid list but dropping Peacock to incldue Zu which meant The Source had to go and also the Exclusive Parties were dropped for the more conventional Career Fair + Earthrise draw engine.

The game plan is nothing new compared to other decks of this kind. Getting the Snitch + AU Revoir engine set up early is paramount - taking a mulligan if you don't see at least 1 Snitch + 1 Au Revoir is necessary. From then it's a case of making lots of bank and hopefully getting an early Turning Wheel on the board to start building up counters. Reflection is also pretty crucial as it can help you decide to commit to accessing if their hand is full of goodies. Hosting any found agendas on FC is good for maintaining the Turning Wheel counters and for turning on any Midseasons -> All Seeing Eye/Scorched plays. Rebirth was very good when I managed to do it, choosing to be reborn as Iain every time I did it so that thanks to Underworld Contacts and Iain I was making lots of money so when you finally commit to the deep dig accesses, the Corp won't be able to keep you out.

Fave play of the day was first being fed a Food by an Exchange of Information SYNC deck which I instead hosted on Film Critic, only to be fed another one which I couldn't host but later in my turn installing the New Angeles City Hall to turn off the Breaking News -> Exchange combo swapping it for the Food and the winning agenda!

The deck lives and dies on whether the Au Revoir + Snitch Combo can be set up quickly. The deck when 3-2 on the day and accurately reflects whether the Super Opus was set up early enough or not so I'll be exploring Express Delivery and/or SMC.