Wild Wild West

Badeesh 212


Let's get drunk and shoot stuff!

So based on the successes of Spy Camera Hayley's unique rig and my die hard love for our favorite drunkard space explorer, I wanted to reboot StimShop 'Toolbox' Nasir, my favorite 'drinking' deck.

Tech Writer's are probably the best way in the game to 'store' credits until needed, and probably an auto-include in any Nasir build right now. They are a really valuable tool for our intrepid explorer.

Standard tactics apply, drop your SMC, drop your RnD/Earthrise, run on 1 or 0 creds.

Click for creds is a thing, but with this dude, click for cards is the same.

Also, disclaimer, this deck is not Tier 1. It is however, a great tool to win friends and influence people, and is surprisingly versatile in its options and much more consistent than previous Nasir decks that people got behind.

Shout outs to Solidarity for the initial work. Happy to post more specific detailed information around card choices if anybody whatsoever is still interested in pursuing this build.

"My my sir, that's an awfully big gun. May I get you another drink?"

29 Jul 2016 pspacekitten

Hiya! I would be as bold as to ask if you could teach me to play this dude. I've tried him and, honestly, I made a fool of myself, and at the same time, I can't get over him. Like. I really really want to play him at a moderate level of successfulness -if that is a thing-.

29 Jul 2016 Badeesh

I think it's important to face-check on 0 or 1 credit as often as possible. Once you've initiated rez's, you'll be able to position your rig to deal with a solid RnD lock with remote pressure. It may sound trite, and sorry if I come off that way, but practice and meta-knowledge do really help. Having said that, he really does suck, but he's the perfect drinking buddy, as I said.

29 Jul 2016 Badeesh

If you do wanna hit me up on the stimhack forums, same username. Would be totally happy to meet up on jinteki.net and play through a few games with you.