Using HB Cards In HB Is Overrated

Dragoonkin 328

I stole this from a very similar HB deck and made it 54 cards because I need to be punched in the kidney every time I do that until I learn better.

Score Sleepers and EoI them for Vanity Projects. Blow people up with Punitive Counterstrike sometimes. (It actually works surprisingly often because people don't expect it.) Pun-AM-Pun is the best combo.

Sometimes I'd HHN people and they literally wouldn't care so I put in one Closed Accounts to make them care (damnit). 3rd Jackson died for Closed Accounts' sins.

If the Runner ever dips you may as well just Consulting Visit HHN to remind them that Netrunner's not a fun game anymore.

Director Haas is because I needed a single one-point and you can only put one of those in a deck, so why not. Realistically if you want to swap a GFI for 2x Vitruvius and get another point of Inf for that 3rd Jackson you probably could, since you can always scum a single point from a Sleepers if you need to. Maybe I will because I only have two fancy full-bleed GFIs (thanks Dan).

AAL is there so that I can install it T1 and if the Runner uses Temujin, flip/trash it and put a piece of cheap gearcheck wherever they installed Temujin to be a dick.