Peddle to the Metal (GNK winner)

poorhaus 412

So I've been working on Geist for a few months. Took down a 9 person tourney with this and Argus. Geist was undefeated.

See my gamble cam decks for the full writeup if you're new to the Geist engine. For this one I wanted to get setup faster AND be able to go longer. 3x Peddler and 2x Levy let you do that. You have to not worry about overdraw and trust you'll be able to levy things back. Chronos and ark lockdown are obvs bad news. Ark is one reason I went 2x levy. Though they may go after spy cams instead.

n.b.: Don't peddle your second time thru the deck until you have levy in hand.

Other than that, 5 cred fall guys, temujins on HQ building up your turning wheel counters, snipe FTE agendas with spy cam, you know the drill.

Earthrises are absolutely crucial to keeping things flowing. You may not need them later in the game but the first time through you want one down asap.

The deuces is your flex spot. Feedback filter, employee strike, film critic, you know the drill.

1x tech writer 2x temujin seems to be the right mix. I tried everything between 3-0 and 0-3 and this seems to balance running and installing creds the best.

Hope you enjoy! I really have enjoyed playing this deck and with the peddlers it really screams.