Eat It.

Raga 44

Ok, this is the updated version of this list that I've been knocking about for a couple of weeks trying to make the sucker work.

Some card choices: Conspiracy breakers: A lot of discussion at the moment of if these are more effective/less effective than Eater/Faust. Now - the AI do break things a lot more consistently and reach the results that we are trying to get to - however, there is a LOT of AI hate around at the moment, and I'd rather use the influence on a suite of disposable breakers in the shape of the conspiracies than on AI's that will eventually become dormant. Whilst Blorc and MKU are expensive to get through certain things (looking at you Fairchild...) they do meet a need in certain circumstances and in emergencies. They're also handy to stick face down, eat then bring back - if its for Chopbot, Prey or just Heartbeat/Endless, its all fuel for the fire.

Overmind: This replaces Eater/Faust in our list, and whilst it nots great most of the time, again, its something to either stick face down, or use in a pinch. Overwrite the conspiracies with it, get your most from the tokens, then eat it. Or just eat it.

Reaver: Only two. Three is too many, one isn't enough. Use it to find your pieces. Eat it.

Out of the Ashes: Eat it. Run with it. Save those clicks for rebuilding.

Interdiction: Started using it just as a neutral no-influence current to get rid of Enhanced Login. Also found it useful against decks with surprises. They can still use Caprice, Batty or Crisium, but they've got to show you them, allowing you time to plan your actions. Use it sometimes. Eat it others.

Rigged: Still on the fence about this to be honest, and go backwards and forwards between this and Deuces Wild. Its sometimes great, but if the opponent gets a read on you, then it's harder to pull off and becomes a little dead. Its most useful for dodging those pain in the arse ice (again, looking at you Fairchild), but sometimes can just allow a little breathing space.

Stimhack: Hahahaha, oh the fun I've had with this. Its definitely a late game play, but when the corp anticipates that you're broke and goes for a score, Stimhack, Conspiracy, in and win...then take a brain damage...sad times. Also works as food. But play it. Seriously, its funny.

NO Levy: I can't be bothered baby sitting one all game in the hope it won't get sniped, and also don't have the space or influence for Deja Vu. So no. Play it once. Play it right.

Think thats everything - sleeve it up, give it a go. Treat everything as expendable. Apex is not a runner that builds a nice stable Rig then runs for days. He's a deviant. A consumer. Be willing to lose and learn, but mostly lose. And every so often, win.

22 Dec 2016 dawspawn

I know you're just destroying everything, but has MU ever been a problem? Come to think of it, does overinstalling and then trashing a program trigger Reaver?

22 Dec 2016 dantagonist

I love the idea of Apex having a day job. At night he devours servers, but by day he's a tech support AI for Haas-Bioroid. "Haas-Bioroid apologises for the fault in your Adonis model bioroid, APEX CONSUMES ALL SENTIENCE please submit your receipt identification number..."

22 Dec 2016 Raga

@dawspawn MU can be an issue yeah, especially as EH is so big and Over mind likes you to have MU free. The best I can offer is playing around it. Don't be afraid to break your own programs down. If you know you're installing over MU, Chop something first to get the benefit. On the subject of Reaver, I'm unsure if overwriting it triggers it but trashing a program when installing would.

@dantagonist I think he currently works for a Fruit based tech group already ;-)