
Persopheus 75

Make your opponent happy that you don't splash Sifr. Then make him wish would play Sifr instead of Maw. Even in criminal, Maw is well worth the influence - in the right deck. It synergizes nicely with Gang Sign, one of the few ways to make your Maw fire during your oponents turn. Playing Andromeda adds consistency, but you want to rebirth into Leela - or situationally into someone else (e.g. Ian). This deck doesn't need Leela or Maw to win, but they sure help.

Maw is not only great against asset spam and combo decks, it disrupts every kind of deck and slows your opponent down having to spend his precious clicks to redraw. Try to use Maw every turn. If you can put Maw to good use (and preferably early) you have all the time you need to cycle trough your deck and build up your economy and rig.

Mr. Li is crucial for the deck and in many matchups more important than Aaron. And: No, Blockade Runner is not better. Li not only allows you you to draw at only one click the best of two cards but also to cycle trough your decks for all the other goodies. With Blockade Runner, it is still possible that you don't draw your much needed X, because it ends up in the heap. Sure, you cannot shuffle cards back, but Li almost guarantees that every card you will draw will be useful.

In an earlier version I played Clippy, but sick of having it removed from the heap and game, I decided for corroder and put the one influence to a better (?) use.

Opponents will at some point start to ice-up their Archives because of Maw - which is even more of a problem for Omar's Mawsome, because opponents will ice the archive first turn, if they can. For this reason, Hades Shard is in the deck. Although it also allows you in principle to use Maw's ability on your opponent's turn, it is reserved for the finishing blow. Once you have it in play, you don't have to worry checking those Archives (watch out for those Jacksons, but don't worry too much about them - play the long game). Just do your Maw thing and fire the Shard once your opponent starts advancing an agenda that might let him win the game.

During the last weeks of testing, the deck has been quite strong. Most problematic are kill decks, especially PE. Most matchups you want to run, run, run, but against kill decks without a proper scoring plan it is better not to run and take it easy till you are set up properly. Programm destruction is an issue, but I have won games in which I lost part of the breaker suite: Thanks to Maw and Hades Shard, you are not dependent on one server to win and there is always Inside Job.

Not sure how good this deck will work with Leela alone, so check it out as long as Andromeda has not cycled out.


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