MCA Troubleshooter [Current]

PanchoC 40

Deck built for Team Tournament in Chile using Current Format*.

As soon as I knew the UFAQ ruling on MCA Informant working with Corporate Troubleshooter I wanted to build a deck around it just for fun. I saw the opportunity with this Tournament not being all that serious in the meta (no actual prize is being given as of today). So I took the idea around a deck here that uses the "combo" (if you could call it that) to kill in Sync. Given the card restriction I could not go for Boom since it is really hard to land that second tag without Big Brother or Midseasons in the pool, so I went with Scorched.

The idea is to create a remote with Corp Troubleshooter and MCA protected by one (or two if the money allows it) Data Wards, the tag given by MCA makes Data Wards a giant pain in the ass for the runner. Putting a Melange in there makes it easier to keep the money flowing, also PADs are OK.

Generally I try to not build the server and money up early so I can build it and immediatly punish with Closed Accounts or flipping the identity. Also MCA is not unique so get them Aarons as soon as you see them, it's hilarious. Also Beth and Aesop's are nice targets.

This version is less vulnerable to deep R&D digs since there is no Boom that could be Salsetted and there's few agendas in there to begin with. Through testing it has shown its flaws against ParaSifr builds, but all decks that relly on ice protecting a remote kind of are. It's a fun deck to pilot, I've even won a couple of games against full-card-pool decks, so there may be something here. Really miss that operation econ though.

*: 'Current' is a custom format that uses a smaller card pool in order to lower the entrances barrier to new players. It uses: Core Set (up to 3 boxes) + Deluxe boxes + Mumbad cycle + Flashpoint cycle + Red Sands cycle (up to Station One).