Moonsterity (2nd @ Polish Nationals)

Matuszczak 2325

4-1 in Swiss, 2-1 in the cut. Wins against Valencia (timed), Los, 2 Whizzards and 2 Andys. Both losses came from Jander's Andy, the guy was out of this world this weekend.

Wanted to play AgInfusion, but being consistently crushed by self-damage Val (basically Inermis, Odol & Selverin refined this: and added Armories) was too much. Picked up Moons very last minute and took a leap of faith after playng ~10 games online. Deck is definitely a beast, easy to be threatening, but has an extremely high skill cap with plenty of meaningful decisions. I definitely have space for improvement, but still did extremely well. This is definitely harder to pilot than it looks.

I took the team UK list added 2 Austerity Policies, they felt strong in testing. Probably should have had 1 and kept the Lakshmi, but I was still happy with the addition.
