Edward Nexus Hammertime (cr2 bannedlist)

byjarke 151

I have been having a lot of fun with Mr.Kimpost-rotation. He's my favourite anarch and I wanted to make it work now that there's so many restrictions. I some basic Security Nexus cards: Power Taps, Underworld Contacts, Sports Hopper, The Archivist (amazing the job he does! BP = more econ!). Then a basic silverbullet pack, where I spend some of my influence (Film Critic is my ban of choice, Salsette, Feedback Filter). And a bunch of econ cards. It's been giving me very good times on jinteki.net during my refining process, and here is the current list. NBN cries with link+traces, trash all weyland operations and bypass big HB ice. Jinteki is so far the most difficult match up (hence Feedback Filter, which wasn't included at first). Fun to pilot!

26 Sep 2017 byjarke

MVP is the Turning Wheel, since Nexus allows you to facecheck (run, nexus/power tap +3creds, then if necessary don't boost and remove tag) and it gets counters pretty fast!

28 Sep 2017 rubyvr00m

I ran into you on Jinteki and tried this for myself and it's a beast. Only changes I made were -1 Careeer Fair, -1 Archivist, +1 Maxwell James, +1 Inject.

Maxwell James is nice cause he can go down along side the Archivist and bring you up to 5 link, the magic number for Security Nexus ;]

9 Oct 2017 vor_lord

I was thinking about Nexus Ed and here you have already done it. It seems very strange not to have Citadel Sanctuary with Nexus and Power Tap. Is it considered too risky now without siphon/vamp to keep the corp poorer?

11 Oct 2017 byjarke

This was my first iteration. I have shifted now, towards the Citadel (it's amazing, especially against yellow) and Bad Publicity. I feel it works much better now: netrunnerdb.com

11 Oct 2017 byjarke

@rubyvr00m: thanks, I have tried and it works wonders! but I am keeping the Archivist for sure! so much synergy!