Fear the Alice

thoronas 16

5 Nov 2017 thoronas

Always be milling

This deck is mainly focused on what some people argue is the new method of multi access for Anarch. Milling centrals. Because of Alices ability corps will ice up archives before other centrals which usually means you will get unprotected access to HQ and/or R&D on round 1. It can be slow to set up and net damage decks make this deck very sad but it's super fun to play.

Drawing cards

Making an Entrance puts in real work in this deck. You can throw the bin breakers away while arranging any Fear The Masses to the top. If you have inject you can pull multiple copies at once. If you don't have MaE in hand doing inject can be scary since you really don't want to trash a Eater or Mopus which is why retrieval run was added.


Eater does most of the work in this deck. All of the run events are instead of accessing which works great with Eater. Sucks when you run into a chiyashi though. The other icebreakers are for when you can't find your Hades shard to access all the milled cards in archives. In 10+ games I have yet to install Black Orchestra but still need to keep a code gate breaker available.


Mopus is obviously the key component of the econ engine of this deck. Liberated Accounts is is in there to add extra econ options. On some turns it's better to get 4 or 8 credits in exchange for 1 or 2 clicks over Mopus 2 creds per click.

Basic Gameplan

Fear the Masses is the key card in this deck. Its the fuel for your mill engine. It synergizes well with Bhagat so that even if you only have 2 in hand you'll still mill 3 from R&D. You obviously want to get as many FtM in hand as possible but when most of them are buried at the bottom of your deck you can do an indexing run on R&D and try to arrange a few agendas to the top of R&D and then mill them on an HQ run.

One thing that sometimes gets overlooked in regards to Eater is that if you use it on an archives run you don't access the cards but you DO get to see what they are. This is useful to try to avoid Breached Dome and other archives traps. Also Alice ability still fires.