BahnCalamari 890

In this meat heavy meta, this is my meat free GRNDL deck. Hopefully my opponents will sweat and hunt for their Carpaces while I rush, score and build up a huge bank to fund my ICE.

Each of the Agendas are chosen to fund your next one, aside from Atlas which can be over-scored to tutor whatever you need at the time.

Only 1x Jackson and 2x Tip. I know tip is faster for a rush deck but the single Jack is protection against a fast Noise deck or in case my shutdowns gets out of hand.

A single Troubleshooter for extra R&D or HQ protection vs certain decks.

The Oversights are ideally for Archer, but also for Curtain Wall if needed.

29 Apr 2014 bubo

This looks like similar to my GRNDL: Quick as a Corpse deck replacing the tempo disruption and secondary win condition with additional economy.

The problem that I've had with GRNDL: QaaC is that it actually contains too much economy. I typically end my games with 20-30 credits and average 15%-20% of my clicks going towards drawing cards because all I've got is economy. To that end, how is your economy at end game with this build and how many turns are you flooded with economy?

With the amount of credits generated by this build, do we really need an Oversight AI?

I ask this of every GRNDL deck, but why are slots being spent on cheap ICE like Quandary and Ice Wall (or Chum, for tha matter)? You've got the economy powerhouse here to play exclusively with the big leagues. The only cheap ICE that GRNDL: QaaC uses is Draco due to it's unusual strength mechanic, and my latest rebuild is playing with Ireress for further tempo disruption.

Part of the reason why I included Plan B and Project Junebug traps in GRNDL: QaaC is because the sheer amount of bad publicity generated by this style of deck results in fairly porous ICE in Phase 3. I'm not saying that we need to add bad publicity removal into the deck (actually, I advocate the opposite for GRNDL), but we do need to plan for it. In GRNDL: QaaC the plan is that if we are not threatening match point by Phase 3 when the ICE becomes truly porous, then Mushin no Shin and Project Junebug can be employed to land a surprise flatline. Unfortunately, that plan uses up my influence so I can't import fun toys like Shinobi (I'd love to bring in a Wotan or Janus 1.0, but the influence just isn't there), but it has proven solid so far. In this deck, what is your Phase 3 plan when your ICE starts to faulter from the weight of your bad publicity?

Finally, why Curtain Wall instead of Hadrian's Wall? Switching out Curtain Wall results in less situational restrictions, and Hadrian's Wall could potentially be grown to help slow down Phase 3.