Pepsi MaxX 1.1

newobj 1

Pepsi MaxX 1.0 was the first deck I ever built from scratch, and it also won the first game I ever played with it!

Pepsi MaxX 1.1 replaces a lot of stupid stuff in 1.0 with ... better stuff :)

Nothing novel here - use MaxX to aggressively throw things into the heap, and pull back what's needed via LALA, District 99, Reclaim, Same Old Thing, Trope. Heap breakers. Synergize with in-the-heap cards like Exclusive Party.

Guinea Pig seems to synergize with this id really well. You can go from no credits / no breakers to breaker suite up with 5+ credits to spare in the same turn. I tend to only Guinea Pig when I have a Sports Hopper around to immediately draw back cards with.

DJ Fenris is there just to be cheeky. The intent is to pull in Steve Cambridge. (Or maybe Smoke, or Geist, depending.)