Zer0 Val (1st & Undefeated @ Katowice Regionals)

Matuszczak 2311

The deck carried me through the tournament winning all 6 games against CTM, Sports combo, Moon MTI, regular MTI, Palana & Skorp.

This is as reg-ass as it gets, there are no Indexings, Ice Carvers, RNG Keys or other nonsense, just draw, money and cards that get you into servers. Set up your stuff and play reactively to the corp. If the opponent isn't forcing you to act, just set up your sfuff and enoy the free win. If the corp is scoring/building a board, contest that, you will come out on top most of the time as well.

This is extremely powerful and pretty much bulldozes through all non-tier 1 corps. Enjoy it, abuse it, but don't expect to make friends in Jinteki casual room with this :)