Successful Demo: Raman Rai

beyoken 6110

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15 Aug 2018 moistloaf

deck should be called: Raman's Business Clinic

great combo

16 Aug 2018 Apex Predator


Great synergy discovery!

17 Aug 2018 Quarg

Personally, I'm not a huge fan of Turtlebacks, as it never feels like I'm making enough remotes for it to be worthwhile, so as an alternative for the Alliance, I'd be tempted to try out Thimblerig.

Also, the 1x Pad should probably be 1x NASX, as very occasionally, the ability on that is actually worth using.

17 Aug 2018 beyoken

@quarg nice observation on both counts, I was toying with the idea of Thimblerig as influence fodder myself. Thing is, you don't need 3 Thimblerigs in CTM (I'd actually say 1 is just fine), so you're playing some combination of MHCs and turtles anyway. Since turtles works off high asset density, 6 assets as influence fodder simply makes the most sense!

17 Aug 2018 thunderfist

NASX gets blanked by Rumor Mill though, its not all upside. Not that rumor mill is popular right now, but you never know.

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