SDS Argus (EC Champs. 5th overall/2nd swiss)

Janktivist 709

This is @tantale 's deck with a 1x IPO subbed in for the 1x Fast Track. I always find that Argus needs a touch more money than I expect in order for me to play it anywhere near well.

Round 1: Win. I mulligan into four agendas but am able to protect HQ long enough to score out an Atlas with a counter. I land an HHN and the next turn double HPT ftw.

Round 2: Win. This one is on CodeMarvelous's stream. I top deck an HPT the very turn after my opponent takes his third Liza tag.

Round 3: Win. SDS was the mvp here. I score out an early Hostile, then later an SDS my opponent can't steal b/c he doesn't have any breakers installed. I get Apoc'd a few turns later but recognize that all the heap breakers are in the bin or flipped over. I IAA a second SDS and my opponent can't get it or find enough agendas to win on his next turn.

Round 4: ID. I'm 6-0 at this point. Kysra offers an ID, and I take it. We play it out for fun and corp split.

Round 5: ID. Jonas and I split and decide to save up our energy for the cut.

Elim Round 1: This is the only game of the day I dropped with Argus. I face Kysra's Liza deck in the cut. We had talked earlier in the tournament about the matchup and said that if Liza can get all three Papas on the table along with a Citadel, that would be GG. Well....that's exactly what Kysra did! She got out an early Citadel, built up momentum and money while clearing the tag every turn, and only went tagme once she had the resources to protect against SGP/HPT. Well played!

Thanks to DanB for organizing, Sanjay for TO'ing, CodeMarvelous and Wyrm for streaming, everyone who kicked in prize support, and everyone who made it out for such a fine tournament!

published by

10 Dec 2019 Janktivist

This is @tantale 's deck with a 1x IPO subbed in for the 1x Fast Track. I always find that Argus needs a touch more money than I expect in order for me to play it anywhere near well.

Round 1: Win. I mulligan into four agendas but am able to protect HQ long enough to score out an Atlas with a counter. I land an HHN and the next turn double HPT ftw.

Round 2: Win. This one is on CodeMarvelous's stream. I top deck an HPT the very turn after my opponent takes his third Liza tag.

Round 3: Win. SDS was the mvp here. I score out an early Hostile, then later an SDS my opponent can't steal b/c he doesn't have any breakers installed. I get Apoc'd a few turns later but recognize that all the heap breakers are in the bin or flipped over. I IAA a second SDS and my opponent can't get it or find enough agendas to win on his next turn.

Round 4: ID. I'm 6-0 at this point. Kysra offers an ID, and I take it. We play it out for fun and corp split.

Round 5: ID. Jonas and I split and decide to save up our energy for the cut.

Elim Round 1: This is only game of the day I dropped with Argus. I face Kysra's Liza deck in the cut. We had talked earlier in the tournament about the matchup and said that if Liza can get all three Papas on the table along with a Citadel, that would be GG. Well....that's exactly what Kysra did! She got out an early Citadel, built up momentum and money while clearing the tag every turn, and only went tagme once she had the resources to protect against SGP/HPT. Well played!

Thanks to DanB for organizing, Sanjay for TO'ing, CodeMarvelous and Wyrm for streaming, everyone who kicked in prize support, and everyone who made it out for such a fine tournament!