Brainy Breakers Adam

Bridgeman 2866

This is based on ToThBeBes Adam deck from worlds last year but with his recommended change to drop film critic in order to be able to use engolo instead of gordian blade. This is critical since Adam is a bit slow when it comes to getting breakers into play.

I also dropped the turning wheel as I found it didnt help a lot with the gameplan.

The extra influence was used to upgrade the nanotk to a Bukghalter. I used the extra deck slots to add a kati jones for some extra economic longevity and two brain cages to help against jinteki early game and get some more value out of safety first. It can also help get you out of boom range earlier.

I´ve played it in quite a few events with great results, at this point I dont feel the need to make any changes to the deck.