Discretion Advised (SG Only)

CritHitd20 7545

In System Gateway HB excels at a “never-advance” strategy; you can use the card Seamless Launch to score an unadvanced 4/2 with only three clicks! Every unadvanced card you install could be an agenda, or perhaps it is an innocent Nico Campaign, or even the trap Urtica Cypher. Later in the game you can affordably advance the barrier Pharos into an impossibly expensive wall and keep the runner from even finding out what you installed with Manegarm Skunkworks. And with your ID Precision Design, you’ll never run out of copies of Seamless Launch!

This is part of a series of decklists to get yourself started with deckbuilding using only the cards from System Gateway! These are meant to help introduce you to each faction’s playstyle, as well as some of the many powerful strategies that you’ll find in the Startup and Standard formats. Of note, these aren’t the only decks you can build out of System Gateway; I’m sure you can find ways to make these lists even better, or maybe you’ll build something of your own!

11 Apr 2021 Kezhal

Thanks for the SG serie !

18 May 2021 bassmanbigc

I might die but trying to switch an ice for an extra seamless launch!

18 May 2021 CritHitd20

Do it! There's definitely room for improvement here; don't feel the need to stick rigidly to the list.

7 Apr 2024 Keiichim

Thank you for SG only decks!!

8 Feb 2025 Smollett

Manegarm Skunkworks is a unique card. You have two of them in your deck!

16 Feb 2025 ain

@Smollett the unique flag means you can only have one card with this name rezzed at a time. It does not limit how many of those cards you can put into your deck. Notably, this also means you can install multiple copies of unique cards as long as you don't rez more than one.