don't listen to whiteblade (2-3, 40th at Worlds 2021)

anarchomushroom 922

whiteblade told me to play big maxx but his deck had a bunch of bad cards in it so i only played good cards. 58 was the smallest i could get to and was way better than the 69 card ridiculousness. 58 is much more sensible.

round 1: lost due to bad luck

round 2: lost due to bad luck

round 3: won due to sheer skill

round 4: won due to sheer skill

round 5: lost due to bad luck

round 6: ID

round 7: 241'd with my corp

gifs are for nerds

25 Nov 2021 maninthemoon

If you had 69 cards your luck would have been much better and you wouldn't have had to rely on skill so much!

25 Nov 2021 maninthemoon

Alway Listen to @Whiteblade