Nutty Professor v1.2

jairoe03 26

Hello everyone! Here is my first attempt at creating a Professor decklist. Keep in mind I am newer to Android: Netrunner but highly competitive so I have done a good chunk of my homework (I think) in terms of a good approach to this style of deck. Also, I only have cards up to Creation & Control so will update this as I buy the 2nd cycle and big expansion (the main idea is still there in the list though). I welcome any criticism and pretty much encourage it especially if you play this game a lot.

Main Idea: Use cheap, fast breakers to get in early runs primarily relying on what can be drawn. Professional Contacts is a must have so it is fairly important to mull down for and try to get to it as early as possible. Alternative hands might include something like Quality Time and a credit economy card like Sure Gamble or Daily Casts. After Corp establishes early game ice, the plan moves to setting up a rig primarily revolving around Atmans and Datasucker while using Parasite, Crescentus, Imp, and Rook to do some damage to Corp economically. Sneakdoor Beta allows for a more spread out attack in hopes of trying to keep opponent off-balance as much as possible.

Icebreakers: The main Icebreaker I want to pull here to use is Atman set to primarily 3 with Datasuckers supplementing it. Other things to point out here, weak Sentry breakers and lack of Morning Star and Mimic. I worked on trying to keep my MU usage minimal and minimizing how many breakers I would require. This retains my versatility in terms of how my MU is used and reduces having to tutor as much. Keep in mind, Datasuckers are an integral part of this strategy and a reason why I used the 1 influence point for a 2nd one. Regarding Sentry breakers, I want to reiterate that we are relying mostly on Atman for most of the breaking in conjunction with Datasuckers and possibly Virus. Femme Fatale and Faerie will play backup to the primary plan in terms of 1 or 2 Atmans set at 2-4 strength depending on the situation.

Programs: This is probably the meat of this deck and also heavily involves the Professor's unique ability. Crescentus and Rook are there to deal direct economic damage to the Corp. Medium, Sneakdoor Beta and Nerve Agent try to force the Corp to spread out a bit between the central servers. Datasuckers help support the primary strategy and reliance on Atman for a lot of breaking.

Events: My event selection is slightly atypical in terms of proportions from other Professor decks. I do not have Test Runs mostly because I felt Self Modifying Code is enough in terms of deck support and I much rather rely on my card draw between Quality Time and Professional Contacts. To me, including a lot of tutors makes me feel obligated to build a very specific rig where instead I mostly rely on card draws and what I'm given to somewhat flow with the game. Self Modifying Code is there to help adjust to the situation on the fly (which is something Test Run cannot do for me). Scavenge is mainly in deck heavily to allow repeatable Parasites, Faeries, Deus X and other trashable programs.

Hardware: Only 2 hardware is needed, Clone Chip and Dyson Memory Chip, 1 is more obvious than the other (recursion and being able to play from heap). Dyson Memory Chip is an interesting pick because it allows extra MU as well as link strength. This is my way of combating Tracer routines and mostly tags. It's not as much of a direct hard counter to Tag n Bag/Scorched Earth but in my opinion its a solution that can carry a more universal impact outside of focusing on Weyland situations. To me Plascrete Carapace is too much of a direct hard solution but useless vs many other matchups. It pretty much kills two birds with one stone.

Resources: I chose Daily Casts to help supplement my income and I felt like including Kati Jones would take a little bit away from Professional Contacts. Personal Workshop also helps me economically and makes The Toolbox a little easier to get out. The primary economy card in this deck is Professional Contacts. It's not as bursty in credit as Magnum Opus but spares me the 2 MU and also helps draw through my deck which is important in a Professor deck which is a reason why my deck runs fewer card drawing events.

Considerations: Some thoughts while I play-test deck and possible changes I would think about making: - Currently at 2 Atmans, would a 3rd be useful and what would I give up for it? I really like the Atman strategy but it almost needs Datasuckers to handle many situations. This is why other Icebreakers are still available and relevant. If we can safely say Corroder, Yog and Femme Fatale can handle most of the 3 strength and below Ice, then we can probably say a single Atman in conjunction should be set at 4 but this isn't always the case (to have all the breakers available like that). Hence why I think it's more manageable to try and pull out Atman and then just search for the Datasucker. Hopefully we can pull the other breakers without requiring SMC and focus SMC more on getting cards that are more economically damaging i.e. Parasite, Crescentus, Rook etc. - Economy strong enough? We currently have Professional Contacts, Daily Casts, Personal Workshop, Sure Gamble, Modded working for the benefit of the runner (13 cards) and Quality Time (+3 cards) if we are talking about click economy overall. I'm not a big fan of including programs to help economically. Possibly more hardware i.e. Personal Touch or Dinosaurus. I think where we are at is as far as we can push it without having to sacrifice something else. - Better options to combat Tags, tag effects or Tag n Bag strategies? I'm fairly set on the Dyson Memory Chip but want to make sure I exhausted all other options first.

Changes: 07/03/2014: -2 Aesop's Pawnshop, -1 Same Old Thing, -2 Sahasrara, +3 Daily Casts, +2 Personal Workshop 07/04/2014: -2 Test Run, -2 Toolbox, -1 Modded, +1 Quality Time, +1 Dyson Memory Chip, +1 Self Modifying Code, +1 Atman, +1 Rook

That's it for my first deck post. Any comments or critiques is more than welcomed and I appreciate your time in reading this fairly long post. Thank you!