CritHitd20 7545

Because "we've got it all". Was going to take this to an event this weekend before real life happened.

This is the most fun runner I have played in a long time; it is comparable to boat crim in terms of playstyle, but we have a few tradeoffs. Nova has meaningfully worse economy due to the restriction, and in exchange we get a lot of fantastic draw, win conditions, and tech cards. I find that I can afford to compete against money-hungry matchups, but you have to play very tight and leverage your Fermenter (the best card in the deck imo). In normal matchups you'll pop it for 8-12c then recur with Simulchip.

Mulligan for card draw so you can keep a steady stream of cards flowing. Feel free to pitch end-game programs like Stargate and Cezve to Emergent Creativity to find boat early and on the cheap and recur them later with Labor Rights; in non-FA matchups you should have time to find them later.

I'd say that there isn't much flexibility in Nova's economy suite atm save for swapping to a World Tree shell. There is, however, a hughe amount of flexibility in your preferred tech and disruption. Finality, Apocalypse, Emergency Shutdown, Clot, Jailbreak, and more have been tested and have had a degree of success; I'm just using my favorite cards atm.

Best matchups are rush and FA decks. Worst matchup is Drago decks, but if I were going to a major event I'd probably adjust by adding additional tech like No One Home.