Just Draw the Agendas (1st at Stirling CO)

dis_ 243

What if this, but better?

This but better

Pretty standard lean outfit - a small kill package to keep the runners (especially Tag-me) honest, mainly planning to score out.

Went 4-0 in the Swiss, 1-1 in the cut. One kill and four scoring out thanks to drawing the agendas.

Simulation Reset is a cool card, but unlike evil grinder decks we are using it as 1-click draw 5. Since the problem once Outfit gets to that tasty 4-bad pub is actually finding the wee gendies. Also enables the fun play of click 1 reset, click 2&3 audacity out a Regulatory Capture. Also handy against Sabotage decks!

Subliminal Messaging was something to try out to help with getting to that important 10 credits on turn 1, but it works really well with Simulation Reset by padding the hand with easily discardable cards.

1 Gaslight over Mavirus as I expected no Shaper, just helps with everything.