Pigeon Tongue (2nd at Online CO, 4th at Brighton CO)

anarchomushroom 922

This is basically the same list that me and Vale brought to two different COs this weekend (Vale played this but -1 Running Hot, +1 Light the Fire, and Nukas over Diesels). This went 3-1 on the day for both of us.

There isn't a huge amount to really add that hasn't already been said elsewhere in the original decklist writeup and in the subsequent writeups since. This Esa deck is very good. I think it has pretty good matchups across the field. It probably struggles against Aginfusion if Ag can drag the game out long enough. Ontological Dependence decks also obviously are good into this, but I think you just go with god and hit the Ontos before they can score them. It also helps that this deck is a tonne of fun to play.

Thanks to the Pigeon Fighters as always for providing great support on the day and for being a great bunch of pals to talk Netrunner with. It makes me proper jazzed about playing competitive Netrunner when I have a bunch of great folks to talk and test with <3

8 May 2023 amargo.retruco

@anarchomushroomwhat do you think this deck can work when moving to a no-ffg card world? It loses LR, Deuces and the bin breakers

8 May 2023 anarchomushroom

I think it can't play as aggressively. Deuces is a loss but you probably replace it with more money and be content with life. Labour Rights and the binnies are a big loss that I'm not sure how you fix. Maybe you play Mayflies, idk.