Witch Smuggler?

thrantar 4

Threw together a Baga Yaga design to take to the 5/27 Philadelphia CO, which as played SSS. Afterimage was awkward all day; doesn't function except on Baga Yaga. 2 str is not enough for a fixed strength sentry. You could try to support Odore instead, stick with the problems of Afterimage, or just accept breaking sentries at 1c per sub, in which case you've got lots of options.

Poemu/Maemi/Multithreader are too cute. I'm pretty sure you want 3x Tapwrm as your econ. With those gone, you can't charge The Twinning; replace with something else that gives run value. Dreamnet, WAKE, Zenit, etc. I think you can still cut the rejigs down further. With 3x Mutual, install order was not a problem I was having. I think fitting in 1x Harmony AR is a nice bit of safety. There's also plenty of influence available if you want to bring in different tech cards. I certainly would've enjoyed Deuces Wild on the day.

Deck went 1-2 on the day. Won against Sports in a very fast matchup where it found an early Docklands and Aeneas Informant. Corp couldn't find HQ ice and I ran HQ and every remote every turn until the game ended. Lost to a Weyland:BtL when I lost Baga Yaga to a Snare! and then spent the whole game staring at an Archer (from SaM) on R&D. While I was still able to apply HQ pressure (Tycoon has really cheap operating costs), it was insufficient to take the game. Lost to SYNC. Cryptocrash set up an HHN and that was game some turns later.