For God's Sake Put Bankhar In Your Hoshiko [2nd @ London CO]

Dapperatchik 34

This is the Hoshiko deck I took to 2nd place at the London CO.

As someone who loves arguing about the last few slots in a deck, this meta is perfect for me - everyone agrees Hoshiko is the best runner, but nobody is quite sure what the last 10 cards should be. I ended up only going 2-2 with this deck on the day, because it's hard to make correct decisions and it's even harder to remember all your DreamNet triggers, but I'm really happy with the list I ended up on and now I'm sharing it with you.

There are 48 cards instead of 62 because I like drawing Fermenter more than I hate losing to PE - but we still play Bankhar, even with the risk of burning through the smaller deck. The synergy between Maw and Bankhar is the engine that makes Hoshiko so strong.

With Bankhar down, suddenly it becomes almost impossible for your opponent to make HQ and R&D more taxing than a Maw + DreamNet trigger is worth. Ice that otherwise does the job... doesn't. Trebuchet? Not enough. Turnpike? Not enough. If they install a second ice, put a Botulus on it. If they install a third ice, kill it with Hippo.

The field was entirely Weyland and NBN, so I ended up being pretty glad to have spent my influence on extra Bravado over real icebreakers.

Do you have a Strong Opinion about how to build Hoshiko? Have you written a 12-page list of reasons why Keiko is actually the superior console? Are you angry enough about Magnet to run 3 Black Orchestra in a 45-card deck? Let me know in the comments or PM me on Discord or Slack. There is a correct Hoshiko list and together we will find it.