Behold! 1.1 [May the Best Jank Win]

Chaostheorie7 41

This is my first ever attempt at an asset-based deck, having previously never been interested in playing one (and generally detested playing against them). I built this for a casual creative deck/best jank event, but it was admittedly not meant to be awfully janky. I do fully intend to continue playing and adapting this in regular play.

I started out wanting to build an Epiphany deck, but when not playing in a jank event, I think this whole deck may just be better in NEH.

When it comes to tags, my main interest is using them to score, rather than to kill, so fast advance tools were the natural direction to turn to with this deck. I originally wanted to do Calibration Testing & Vladisibirsk City Grid in addition to Shipment from Vladisibirsk, but the latter isn't great when you have nothing else to leave advanced on the table (like a Chekist Scion), and the former needed too many slots. I then had single SanSan for a while, but ultimately decided to go harder on the Moon Pool.

Having only played this deck twice with two drastically different experiences, I am honestly not yet sure what to think about, except it was fun to play:

  • In one match-up the runner decided to never trash anything at all, which made me absolutely filthy rich and long for a Big Deal, but I could also almost never fire Oppo Research nor my ability, so struggled to score. I did eventually build an actual scoring server and won that way. (In this game I also managed to play Your Digital Life for a net 8 gain.)

  • In the other match-up, the runner gave up on removing tags relatively quickly and I was able to get a Remastered Edition with Vlad Shipment and a Freedom of Information with zero advancements. That was nice.

What's really nice about Federal Fundraising (aided by the ID ability) is the way this deck can control the top of R&D, which stops you from losing to random accesses until they really start digging. And even then, breaking R&D lock is feasible. Still, losing out of Centrals seems the way you lose here.