Graffiti 1.1 [May the Best Jank Win]

Chaostheorie7 41

This was my runner deck for our casual "May the Best Jank Win" event, but I had admittedly already built the deck, and in spite of it getting 2nd place in the "Most creative runner deck" vote, it was just meant to be an honest good take on Arissana. :D

It is extreme Shaper bullshit, where you can feasibly install 3 programs in one run (using SMC and Simulchip) to suddenly pop your Environmental testing, but its economy is somewhat brittle, since so much of it is in installing things.

I love using Umbrella to draw! (It is important to actually read your cards; it took me a while to notice this, and tell the corp about it.)

This is the kind of deck where you can have fun just popping all of your abilities and installing things, regardless of what the corp does and whether you're actually winning, but I also got two wins with this deck in the tournament. Mobile Slap Vandals are really good.

Changes I want to make:

  • You honestly need a 3rd Art Vernissage, and probably hard mulligan for it. This deck isn't much without it.

  • Otoh, 2 DZMZ are probably enough; mostly the first instal of the turn will be a cheap Trojan.

  • I never played the Conduit; I'd probably rather have a second Deep Dive.

  • The deck probably needs more honest economy that is not based on installing to be a bit more consistent. Probably just Daily Casts, which can be installed using Vernissage money.

  • I never played Joy Ride nor Beatriz. I kind of still want these, but since slots are tight, they might need to be sacrificed.

  • Monkeywrench helped me beat Rover Algorithm jank, but it'd probably be better to use the slot for something else, like a 3rd Kyuban. Or import Botuli. (There's still lots of influence to spare!)

10 Aug 2023 M0H4WK

I have been playing Ari last few times and your list kinda looks like mine. Just a few thoughts: DZMZ isnt worth it, Most of the time if you want shaper bullshit, you play smc or other free program first, Better play Cyberdelia. - DZMZ + Cyberdelia

UAV just helps to get the ball rolling. Must have in hand. I am looking for a way to get it more reliable at start of the game. - 1 Beatriz +1 UAV

Pica + Deep dive is amazing. up the numbers: + 1 pica +1 DD - 1 Conduit -1DZMZ

Next thing is how to get the machine running as fast as possible. Joy ride seems like a cool idea, but not sure how reliable it is. I am tempted to test some Steelsking Scarring? VR Cation? Stoneship Chart Room?

Econ is interesting. Daily Cast, Liberated Accounts. Bandia Bonds?

MultiAccess: Not a fan of Conduit for the MU. Wake is a good call but I am loving the Twinning with the recurring credits of UAV.

Anti Rush: Against rush you have vandal. I tried it with Poison Vial but think it is too slow to find the combo. I am trying with Boomerang. Install with UAV credits gaining counter on Twinning, during run installing Kyu to draw another boomerang. After run original goes to deck and next turn rinse and repeat. Seems good.

Glacier: Right now with freed up mem from Conduit I can use Turbine to boost the breakers.

Asset Spam: This is my biggest question. I considered Wheels for a free run but I am not sure if the silver bullet is worth it. Maybe Paricia?

Give me your toughts! Lets make Ari count.

10 Aug 2023 knorpule3000

"It is extreme Shaper bullshit, where you can feasibly install 3 programs in one run (using SMC and Simulchip) to suddenly pop your Environmental testing,"

oh how do I love thy deck, but hast thou tried the promo-jank-move: In the Groove ?

11 Aug 2023 Chaostheorie7

Thank you for the comments! @M0H4WK I've already made the changes I mentioned myself, but I wanted to publish the version I actually played. Cyberdelia may be a good shout, I forgot that existed. But installing Slap Vandals everywhere for free with DZMZ has been pretty good too. If I start with UAV, I have actually had no trouble getting the engine running. And Lillypad is good draw.

@knorpule3000 Cool suggestion! :D That's the version for advance jankists.