Reality Plus... Plus

The Calamity 53

This isn't original, in-fact this is almost a straight up copy of this deck. I did make one change i swapped, Shipment from Vladisibirsk for Your Digital Life. I found that most good players avoid letting you put tags on them, so Shipment from Vladisibirsk ends up being more a win more card. Money on the other hand, can help bounce you out of a rut, or feed your win condition so you can Sansan to victory.

Anyway the deck is pretty straight forward, noting the following

  • An early AR is back breaking, it is worth rezing the Lady Liberty for, even if this is all you score.

  • Viruses are popular, Maviruses is tech,

  • Funhouse is the best ice in the deck, because of how good B-1001 is (watch out for AirbladeX and Hush)

I think my favourite part of playing this list is layering Federal Fundraising with Marilyn to see your deck (see top 3, take a card, take money from Marilyn Campaign trash and shuffle, see top 3, take a card... etc).