boomer corp

gammanet 91

went undefeated at a small standard co. rwr was not legal. beat a ken tenma(early mavirus in archives with some nasty ice on hq and rnd, so no easy turtle farm), a sable(one with lots of companions, we got to 6 shooting 2 turtles with sds, they had us on rnd lock really hard at the end of the game and those diversions kept us poor, but we managed to draw the audacity just in the nick of time to close out. then beat a lat who made an ill timed archives run and got 2 fermenters purged(we audacity'd an atlas to get a counter very early) leaving him on 1 credit.

general gameplan, make money, install ice, score agendas. extract ice with stuff hosted on them, or jinjas, or mavirus, or spindoctor, or nothing. 3 more hedge fund is better than nothing. if expecting a lot of hush, do not play. surveyor will be sad. .