Eventful Twin Catalogue

akizora 2

(publishing this for ABR so figured I might as well add a comment about the deck and my experience at the AMT)

Prepaid with not-levy. Keep hands with money over draw, prepaid over aniccam and aim to setup quickly while pressuing centrals with cataloguer, twinning and legwork/burner.

My attempt at prepaid Lat deck that I piloted during the 2024 March AMT. Tried making Patchwork Seb and Aesops Lat work but found myself doing terribly, looked at Ashen Epilogue and thought that it would be fun to play a prepaid events based deck. This went 2-1 which was way more than I expected from my runner games, as my winrate on runner is quite under the average. It was my first time playing an online tournament and I had a lot of fun, the pressure and the stakes makes every decision that much more interesting and nail biting and has me wanting for more. I'm so glad that netrunner is still going and healthy.

Reflections from the tournament are 3x cataloguer is probably too many with The Twinning also in the deck and Mad Dash is quite hard to pull off (though I came close to using it in game one) experiementing now with [+1 Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra +1 Burner +2 Trick Shot +1 Deep Dive −1 Legwork −3 Rigging Up −1 Mad Dash −1 Cataloguer] Trickshot is more versatile than rigging up, works as overclock 5-6, helps against asset based decks. Deep dive closes games with Hannah to enable that and Hannah also helps with asset heavy matchups.


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