๐ฅ Team Muntal Bost PD ๐ฅ
My deck went 3-1, and was paired vs Hermes Tao, Sable, Loup Mulch, and WorldShiko. The loss was taken by William who managed to find an agenda to win on the last click and card to be accessed that game, all after me denying the ID to ensure we both make the cut (which we did anyway)!
Most to be surprised me, I decided to bring this deck with 0 new cards because with a tournament the same week as a new set of cards, and at the tail end of an impromptu family vacation, I had no time to prep or consider new cards. I also thought PD to be very resilient to any new HQ-pressure tools I assumed would be flooding the scene.
Shoutout to the Vancouver meta for hosting a great event, and to all the TOs and judges who facilitated a very fun day with a bunch of very fun games. And to the team for getting reps in with new cards. And to Maninthemoon for the most interesting PD game I've ever played (and also for stompingmulching the field).