Spark@Sparks (11th Bristol Regionals 1-1-1)

snoobz 31

Another spark/lob kit list with a few small changes but I gotta get those ABR badges so we're posting. Played this at the Bristol Regionals which was an incredibly slickly run event with great vibes throughout, huge thanks to Baa Ram Wu, sixtyten, Nicky3.0 and everyone else who made it happen!


R2 - Draw against beenbeen2 on skunkvoid PD. Close match, but all the remaining Agendas were hiding too deep in the deck for either one of us to close it out.

R4 - A loss vs xccam's TucanAsa deck Boy howdy can that deck go vrooom

R6 - Win vs Kikai's R+ Despite a Self-Growth Program destroying my board state, a sole Hammer on RnD, a Compile run against a triple barrier server and some incredible luck gave me just enough accesses to close the game


Bridgemans Interconts list was a bit of a last minute pivot for me, but absolutely worked out on the day, managing to go 3-1 with it. Huge thanks to him for the list and his stream discussing it!

Final Thoughts

Overall pretty happy with my level of play - though still plenty of misplays to learn from (why oh why didn't i just ice HQ against steve 🤦) and still find myself getting too flustered and tripping over myself during games (thanks everyone for being patient with me) so plenty to work on and think about for the next few weeks. Once again huge thanks to the organizers and ofc everyone I spent time playing or just chilling with, can't wait to see yall again. Bring on the rest of the season!