Good Old Worlds Grind (3rd @ Worlds 2024)

Sokka 5905

Check out my Worlds Recap Stream Part 1 and Part 2 for a full discussion about the deck and worlds. I also posted live shorts after every round on my YouTube Channel.

I felt great about worlds this year. I think many people felt the usual corp scramble but I had a secret deck that I had been working on for the last few months.

Consistency is always the key consideration for me when looking for a deck and I knew that this BTL shell would bring the consistency I was looking for. I think I defintely could have brought this out earlier this season and done well with it but Ag was performing well for me and being able to show up to worlds with an unexpected corp is very valuable. So I kept this largely to myself, only testing and tweaking it with Wiki over the last month and a half.

I was really hoping to see more Crew Anarch as this deck has a very strong matchup against that. Turns out most people decided to go with Lat, which made my corp games more challenging than I would have liked.

I will say that I think this worlds for me was harder than previous worlds. The competition and caliber of play is always high at worlds but the specific situations that I found myself in and the decisions I had to make during games this tournament was by far the most challenging. I'm quite proud of how I played this tournament; it was a difficult path to finish where I did. As my old soccer coach liked to say: "It's not about the result, it's about the performance".

(Also it's ridiculous to be disappointed about 3rd place even tho I still am, just a little bit)

NSG ran a great event and I had a great weekend! Of course, huge congrats to Alex (aruzan), a fellow Vancouver metamate, for winning it all. He's been working on that Ari deck the whole season and has been travelling to a ton of events all over the continent. To see all of that culminate into a worlds win is just amazing.

My runner deck

Aesop's Tables Link

ABR Link

Finally, here's a bunch of notes that I took on my phone throughout my practice and testing with this deck. They are notes and reminders that are generally non-intuitive or matchup/meta specific that I wanted to remember when playing my games.

BTL notes:

  • Assume all non-anarchs have 2x Pinhole
  • Crisium on archives blocks Pinhole
  • If they Boomerang an unrezzed ice, keep it unrezzed but keep it around
  • vs Lat
    • need to open Wall to Wall. Slow hands need to be mulliganed.
    • Colossus is very good
  • vs Anarch
    • Don’t allow Leech counters at all costs
    • Non-tag-me decks trying to Crew w/o leech is a pain
    • Freedom is poor w/o Hot Pursuit
    • Stack ice on Botulus’d ice
  • vs Kit
    • Mad Dash (Burner Cataloguer): Border Crisium on R&D
  • vs Bankhar Steve
    • Code Gates are best. Need one on HQ (Revolver breaks Winchester too efficiently)
    • Remember Sneakdoor
27 Oct 2024 Kharack

Love the return to BtL, I tried making changes after RWR to your worlds list last year and while I was close to this my personal opinion on logjam was much lower, the add of crisium and mavirus makes logjam rezzes feel better so I can totally see the shift. Charlotte makes me feel rushed despite having money.

Love the notes, great things to keep in mind as I play.

Glad I was on the right track and so cool to see a glacier still almost take the whole thing again.

Performance over results is an awesome mindset. Congrats on how well you did!

27 Oct 2024 Kharack

Also, I did see on your stream that issac was in some earlier lists but I don't think you gave much of an opinion on them (though much of the chat didn't like them) I wondered how issac rates in your mind.

27 Oct 2024 Sokka

@Kharack Isaac was in the deck from May until September. Giving +2 strength to every advanced ice on the server is a very strong ability. The ability to advance is less relevant given BTL's ability but can be nice to save some clicks sometimes. It ended up being cut for Crisium because Crisium just does more in that slot with Deep Dive, Leech, and Pinhole being very common cards

29 Oct 2024 Nykride

This deck feels even more elegant than last year's, and I love how you bring solid decks, no tricks, and just outplay people. Everyone knew almost exactly what you were playing, and still couldn't really punish you for it, truly inspiring.

31 Oct 2024 awildturtok

Two years on the prophecy of the Mestnichestvos lives on <3

31 Oct 2024 Sokka


@awildturtok Yes! ❤️

10 Nov 2024 Kharack

Another question for you, I've been playing it and enjoying it but there are games where I just don't find wall to wall and I feel much worse, what are your thoughts on hearts and minds as a weak substitute to find a wall to wall analog quicker? Being able to move an advancement from say a hortum to a logjam or treeline while allowing you to get the BtL credit effect back on line isn't a replacement but it helps.

Additionally did you ever miss cutting the secure and protect? I've had a lot of games where I've been low on ice (typically in the ones where wall to wall is missing since draw is more painful too) and I've wondered how you felt about losing it.

13 Nov 2024 Sokka


Not finding Wall to Wall can certainly be an issue in many matchups. I don't think Hearts and Minds is good enough to be worth a slot for such a situation tho. If you want more redundancy in the value-asset department then cutting a bio vault for a Charlotte seems better than Hearts and Minds.

I'll also note that in many matchups where the runner is trying to attack your ice (anarchs with Crew), I often play those matchups without Wall to Wall and just focus on denying central value.

In terms of feeling low on ice, I haven't felt that. In last year's deck, I wouldn't ever expend a Tree Line. In this version, expending the first Tree Line happens often and even expending the second one is something that happens sometimes. So if I think I'll be short on ice then I won't expend the Tree Lines. The key here is understanding if it's better to have lots of ice or if it's better to have a few big ice. Against anarch, it's generally better to have lots of ice because they have botulus and devil charm + crew. Against shaper it's generally better to have a few big ice because their struggle is having to boost strength

14 Nov 2024 Kharack

Ok, I had considered bringing back the Above the Law to get the hearts and secure and protect but likely I need to just play through the lines more. I feel like I end up getting stuck not able to expend treeline in matchups where big ice is critical, but then if I also don't find wall to wall is can't get strength up in a way that isn't super painful. I suppose it could just be bad draw but I got trounced in a couple games at a small local tourney and both games felt this way so it's probably an overreaction on my part. Thank you so much for responding to all my questions!

14 Nov 2024 Sokka

@Kharack one thing that might be useful to pay attention to is the reasoning behind installing the ice you draw. Especially in the ice destruction matchups, you conserve ice by only installing ice where it is needed rather than installing ice merely because you want it there. The ice dance is tricky against the ice destruction decks because you never know which server they're going to attack. If you over-defend a certain server, then attacks on your other servers will be more effective. What I aim to do in those matchups is to get 2 ice on every central. Then, instead of installing more ice, you hold the ice in your hand and wait for the runner to attack somewhere (maybe they install botulus, or they CharmCrew). Only then do you install another ice to patch the hole.

Ice destruction decks are the most obvious example but a similar reasoning can apply in every matchup. You only want each server to be taxing enough based on the value of that server (taking into account agenda density and relevant runner cards that you might see in the matchup like DJ Steve, Trick Shot, Burner, etc). The goal, at least at the start, is never to lock out the runner. Ideally you're making the server cost slightly more than the value they're gaining for the run (taking into account chances of stealing, value cards, etc). From there, they either make the run and it's costing them more than it's worth, or they don't run and allow you to build up and eventually tax them a ton with Bio Vaults