Jank Jintek

turkishvancat 212

Here's a janky Jinteki build. The idea is to place down snowflakes as cheap, reasonably reliable, parasite resistant ETR ice, tutoring for them with Levy University as needed, and then mutate them into the big guys, notably Janus.

Agendas are chosen so that they all cost money to steal, setting back the Runner's tempo and giving you time to set up. Also, the most likely way for them to win is to take a Future Perfect and two 2 pointers, so a single Shi.Kyu will force them to have to steal an extra agenda.

Assets are fairly straightforward; Sundews and Pad Campaigns for steady income; Snares to pad HQ and threaten flatline after they've taken some brain damage, etc.

Operations are primarily econ for rezzing big ice without Mutate, and of course Mutate to get janky ice on the table.

Ideally the three centrals will have Janus or Susan as the outermost pieces so that they have to pass through a Janus before hitting any remotes. And if they click through Janus, they have to take two brain damage in order to have any clicks left to run remotes!

I'm not sure at all how reliable this is, how long it takes to set up, or how vulnerable the deck is before it's set up. But it sounds like a fun idea that I'm excited to try out! Obviously Femme kills this, as does Kraken, though I don't see either of those too much in my meta. Thoughts? Suggestions?