Test Run Rejig Charge

ischariot47 3

I took this deck to Austrian Nationals, not because it is especially good but because I made it and I liked playing with something not stolen (like my PD deck on corp side). Since I am quite new to the game I did not expect much and the one win I got with this deck was more than I hoped for before the event. What hurts a little bit is that I could/should have one one more match with this deck and lost due to missplays (at least one huge on and I think another smaller won) on time with a aggenda score of 0 to -1. I think this deck is quite simple to play the core strategy get Orca with the Test Run Rejig combo. Then most sentries are manageable so run R&D and get money (Coalescence), cards (Nuka) or finishing options in the late game (Cataloguer). Since Coalescence is a long term credit provider it is important to always keep them at one charge, also be mindfull of when you replace them because you will need them for Simulchip. One beginners mistake could be to pump Hyperbaric to much. I think in all cases it is better to charge Coalescence because it will give you the 2 credits needed for Hyperbaric but is more flexible if you don't need it. Addtional things I like about this deck. Stoneship Chart Room is always useful (if your oponent doesn't play a kill deck use it to charge something). Also if your ice breaker suit is set up, you can use Rejig and/or Testrun to get more money with coalescence, or as your recursion option (especially for Orca because you don't want to simulchip Orca). When building the deck my main concern was that I am quite low on MU, in the games it was no problem yet but be aware of your MU. A second thing is in theory Maker's Eye seemd at least ok, but when playing I never really felt it is worth it. So you need to be quite rich to be able to run it in a reasonable way (and then Cataloguer is probably better.) So the main things I would change are the Maker's Eye.

P.s: Since Trickshot got banned on the day I wrote this, maybe Maker's Eye will stay but probably it is better to use other Run events like Dirty Laundry or Overclock. I will definitly stick with this deck and see how much the loss of Trick shot will hurt it, but from my view it should be playable still (and it was never a top tier deck to begin with.)


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