[ETERNAL] Gold Dust

Jai 2910

named for the extremely based homebrew alcohol my RPG party member's brother bottled for us the afternoon before the event

2-2 at Eternal OMM. Both losses to Whizz and at least one was completely avoidable by simply picking the other side to play, lol

Points: IG[2], Bio[2], Shock[1], Dome[1], VLC[1]

Full credit to anarchomushroom who sent me the list wholesale in the middle of my PF2E session. I proceeded to make it worse by jamming the completely unnecessary 2x Regenesis, cutting a Fujii and... uh... I think a Hostile?? can't remember

mildly surprising to me that the list wasn't on Reaper Function, but what do I know, I suppose the damage burst isn't the gameplan. Violet Level Clearance is absolutely cracked, t1 install install VLC is a power trip I've not experienced before and absolutely want to do again

Shoutout to anarcho for being the eternal guru I needed and consulting on my decks, and Toron for running the event on the weekend! Amazing first exposure to the format, 10/10 would do again, more people need to play goddamn it's so good

SHAABR friendos

Jai out

18 Dec 2024 anarchomushroom

atta boy

The list was on reaper functions for ages but I needed to cut em to make room for Cohort unforch. I'd love to find room for them again but we have enough damage to kill runners without

18 Dec 2024 HaverOfFun

Oh yeah eternal has hooked me so damn good too - I recion I need to give aksu’s whizz a whirl to stop losing to assets like this