Take The Power Back! (10th @ RAM)

HaverOfFun 886

Wholesome Jinteki

Despite me listening to Daft Punk's super Random Access Memories album through the whole event, I feel like RAtM's Take The Power Back is heaps more fitting in theme for this deck after seeing how many people went with toxic girlboss laotian/australian representation Keeling at the event and how sorely that narrative of toxic jinteki needs to be counteracted!

Ofc everyone looked straight at CtM when the card pool was first revealed but Jai said we were wild for not looking at RP and I took any excuse to play more Jinteki so I was sold with the build that Jai gave me! (Jai ended up taking a slightly different list that opted for Estelle Moon)

I hate lists that only aim for flatlines so this scoring out focused list really appealed to me but I can hardly be blamed when runners force me to rez Nanisivik Grid and show them an Assassin. I ended up flatlining an Andromeda and an Adam but then lost to the Andromeda that ended up taking the whole event. However even in taking that loss, I was a winner in some ways: Bestpot

Thanks to Jai for building this corp list, thanks to Baa for building my runner list, thanks to koga for sticking it out with me and getting a cool 9th place!

Now please enjoy just how seamlessly I dropped in these references to RAM during the event: Lose Yourself to Dance

Get Lucky

Giorgio by Moroder

Instant Crush