disability accomodations are pretty sick (15th @ Notts)

eden_online 91

I play a lot better when I'm able to think. I had a disappointing result at Bathgate, and was a bit dejected - I'd built this up a lot in my head, and the sheer reality of going like 3-4 in an utterly unremarkable tournament day was pretty sad. I just wasn't able to make the good decisions I knew I was capable of making, lost track of what my gameplans were in the middle of games and made a ton of mistakes large and small, eroding my confidence in myself and my decks.

My friends kept telling me "Eden, you're playing two unnecessarily complicated decks, this is a huge extra mental load on you for competing, this seems like a bad idea", but at this point it feels like I'd be conceding to make a practical change like that. I like Ob! I like Seb! It just felt kinda bad not being able to do them justice.

Some honestly fairly uncoordinated practice in the interim later, I at least felt back where I started in confidence - I know my decks, I'm pretty good at them. The doubts were still there, though - will I completely choke in the tournament setting again?

There's some longer thoughts that I'm intending to write about at length at some later date here, about how it's really valuable to practice in situations similar to what you end up competing in, getting hands-on time with your decks, etc, but I didn't have the opportunity to really take much of that advice before Notts.

The single biggest thing for me at this tournament, as it turned out, was just being able to play at a fixed table at the other end of the room where it was quieter. (huge thanks to harmonbee for actively suggesting this at registration!!). The lower noise levels jammed my ability to think less, and instead of drowning in a sea of Seb triggers and Ob shuffles without being able to keep track of the game that was happening, I was able to reasonably keep on top of things. I went 4-3 in the end, and despite my level of focus on getting to top cut as a goal, I'm happy with the Netrunner I got to play.

also this is just Council's CBI list but I put in a devil charm because I was worried about not being able to trash big ice without taking several tags into eotl Nuvem. This paid off. I couldn't think of a cut so it's 47 cards now. Eye for an Eye is also an absolutely ridiculous card, especially into all the Weyland going around rn.

22 Mar 2025 Council

Thanks for repping the deck :)

I gotta be honest, this is still pretty experimental. I think the package of Lago Paranoá Shelter, The Class Act, Buffer Drive, Labor Rights and Ashen Epilogue is the right way to get Seb down to 45 cards, but piloting it is really really hard, and I don't have the practice with it like I do with 59 card Seb.

I could see Eye for an Eye meaning that you can go down to 2 Hot Pursuit and slotting a Miss Bones back in. The Contaminates were a cool experiment that does actually work but I don't know if they make it into the final deck. In essence, this Seb can trash ice on the board, which mulch can't currently do, but it gives up a lot for it.

I'm kinda interested in 1-2 Fermenter as a means of econ - it's a good recursion target with Praxis. Realistically with rotation so soon though I don't think there'll be enough time to find this deck - that's okay too, there'll be a lot to explore post rotation.

26 Mar 2025 eden_online

@Council thank you! it's an incredibly satisfying and rewarding deck to build skill with, there's really nothing else like grinding the corp totally out of options or scanning the whole hand with e4e+manuel and two runs.

after a couple (genuinely just a couple) of test games with -2contam, -1hotpursit / +1 fermenter, +1 bones, +1 charm, i think that bones and fermenter are probably correct directions to take the deck in. the lack of true from-0 icebreaking is somewhat scary but if we fall that far behind that we get purged and locked out with no ice destruction/bankhar options we're probably losing anyways. the independence from having to hit HQ to have money in the ob matchup is probably worth it on its own.

i have been experimenting a bit on and off with Stargate, i think the only way it works is as a wincon you'll have installed instead of installing Audrey in that game just on account of the MU situation and the non-synergy with the trash - however, it's so strong in certain MUs that I'd be tempted to make it a 1x alongside audrey (maybe cutting 1x audrey in the process). it does pivot you hard towards R&D though, which isnt ideal when your opponent eventually ices archives and you don't have a sustainable breaker... much to think about. fermenter money definitely makes a stronger case for stargate than the deck was previously able to make.