lilypad + paule's cafe = potential lilypad triggers on both your turn and opp turn
tca brings incredible filtering which again can potentially be done on both your turn and the opponent's turn.
paule's also helps lat get down to hand size if you can't install everything in hand
you do also have to think about conserving installs because they are a finite resource, and it could be worth doing the lilypad trigger on opp turn through paule's to get both your lat draw and a lilypad trigger
deep dive is the win condition. conduit is a bit painful with current mavirus meta as well as not having strong hp (since you're drawing through your deck so hard) for dealing with Jinteki Personal Evolution so you want to make your accesses count.
I chose Ika here because of synergy with muse. The key way you're setting up your rig is through aesop triggers, which activates your simulchips. to install an echelon, you would have to muse into self modifying code into echelon, which costs 5 credits, and once you sell the muse to aesop's it costs 2 credits to bring echelon into play. to install Ika it's simply muse into Ika which costs 0 credits and you can sell the muse to aesop's for what's actually a 3 credit positive play. this 5 credit swing pays for almost 3 Ika rehosts, and doesn't consider that Ika is a more efficient breaker than echelon to boot.
I chose Euler here because this is a deep dive deck, so you really only need to make 2, maybe 3 turns count. Euler doesn't mind being grabbed directly through Muse because of the 1 turn condition, and then subsequently selling to aesop, then grabbing it back again when needed with Simulchip. The other good option here is Buzzsaw, but then you would have to cut 1 influence, most likely from Pinhole Threading, but pinhole is very important in the matchups where you need it, and it also enables deep dive through being able to snipe out manegarms or crisium grids placed on centrals.