First design on a jinteki

asteriskreaper 20

First random design, not built, just started playing netrunner. Any ideas? I think i need more ice but not sure what to cut

22 Aug 2014 x3r0h0ur

go to 49 cards and use all your influence is step 1.

I'd drop all the bullfrogs or down to 1. switch chum to 2 pups and a tsurugi, drop neotokyo, and cerebral cast, you have no tag punishment, so the runner might eventually take tags and not care.

In all I feel like Nisei is more of a tax and annoy than kill, so junebug and hiro feel out of place. That is, unless you dedicate to it like I did here: I've piloted with a fair amount of success if you want to draw some inspiration:

22 Aug 2014 asteriskreaper

I agree with you on many points, however i do like the idea on a one run net damage kill with cards like shi.kyu, but the main goal is to have the game go to time with all the sidegames.