Petit Poivron Vert Frais

Diogene 4240

Fast and simple. This sweet little green deck is consistent and will not take you long to finish the game.

Poivron vert

With 40 cards, the consistency is good. The aim is to either flatline the runner or score behind big ices.

Surveyor is just like always, very good. All the code gate tax the runner quite a bit. Masvingo is a staple of this ID, it get a token when you rez it. While not very hard to pass, it is good not to have to put any token on it. With all those ice, you should be able to keep the economy of the runner down if they run.

The point is to have enough credit lead to use Punitive Counterstrike when they will score an agenda. If they score City Works Project, one Punitive Counterstrike should be enough. But sometime, they think they can save themselves because they are rich or have Citadel Sanctuary. This is where Neural EMP comes in.

It always surprise the runner to be flatlined by Neural EMP in Weyland.

The main way to get a lot of econ is Mass Commercialization. Wall To Wall will help you a great deal for that.

Finally, the 7th agenda point is either Public Support or Hostile Takeover. Public Support is nice, because it let you setup while it will score itself. If the runner try to trash it, they will waste ressource while you are still using the time to setup.


22 Mar 2021 Krams

I like the idea of Neural in Weyland :)

But wouldn't
-1 Public Support
-1 SDS Drone Deployment
+2 Hostile Takeover
give you a lot more tempo/creds and a more consistent 7th point?

22 Mar 2021 Diogene

@Krams that is also a correct approach. I went for Public Support for three reasons :

  1. It is rotating very soon and I wanted to see it in play.
  2. I would rather use Gene Splicer because it goes better with the grinding plan, but influence was all used up.
  3. Having multiple Hostile Takeover gives the runner a good chance to score one. One bad pub will lower the tax on runs, but the 7 creds is very good for our game plan. Once scored, the runner must score 3 agendas worth 3 points each. If they don't steal City Works Project from centrals, it would hurt quite a bit. And SDS Drone Deployment is very good at costing the runner creds and opportunities.

Another change on the agenda suite could be having 3 Project Atlas, -2 SDS Drone Deployment and no Hostile Takeover and no Public Support. You can then add Too Big to Fail for emergency cash.

23 Mar 2021 Krams

I tried the deck and my main problem were early game economy and getting scoring windows.

I feel like City Works Project has to leave HQ fast, because you can't afford to defend it well while in HQ. But to put it out fast I need some defense on the scoring remote. A single Surveyor doesn't do anything unless there's a 2nd ICE installed, while the Code Gates also don't stop a runner if there's only 1 of them.

So while I'm wating for single-ICEd HQ and R&D and double-ICED remotes, the runner is happily stealing with enough money and cards left so I can't kill him outright.

I think Dedication Ceremony would really make scoring CWP easier and more threatening. Because suddenly, you can just put it out like that and don't have to wait for two ICE. All you need is a single Punitive to back up the threat.